Zen Honeycutt of Moms Across America interviews our co-founder, Debbie Friedman on her recent victory to end state pesticide spraying.
View PostCome see us at The 36th Annual National Pesticide Forum

Announcing the The 36th Annual National Pesticide Forum hosted by Washington DC based non-profit Beyond Pesticides, University of California Irvine Center for Occupational Health and Non Toxic Irvine, a group of dedicated citizens, parents, and scientists working with city officials to successfully transition the City of Irvine to organic land management. The topic: Organic Neighborhoods: […]
View PostEnormous MOMAS Victory… Court Ruling Ends Decades of State Pesticide Spraying
Court Ruling Ends Decades of State Pesticide Spraying Judge strips California Food and Agriculture Agency of Authority to Use Chemicals Sacramento CA – A judge has ordered the California Department of Food and Agriculture to stop using chemical pesticides in its statewide program until the agency complies with state environmental laws.The injunction, issued late last week, is a sweeping victory for health, […]
View PostWe Have a HUGE Victory to Share!
An appeals court threw out the State of California’s Light Brown Apple Month (LBAM) pesticide program on the grounds that it violates state environmental laws. Their plan was to spray toxic pesticides over multiple counties in the San Francisco Bay Area every 30-90 days for seven years for an agricultural pest. This “spray now, think […]
View PostNot Your Ordinary Kitchen Sink: How Carbon Sinks & Regenerative Organic Agriculture Can Save the World
By, Talia Schmitt. Have you heard of a Carbon Sink? Not the type of sink that you use to brush your teeth or wash your hands. This sink is much larger than the one in your house, and takes in the carbon emissions from the atmosphere. One of the largest sinks we have is right […]
View PostTB 117-2013: What Does It Mean For You?
By, Bill T. Webb, the founding partner of the Webb Legal Group In this post, we will talk about how flame retardant chemicals ended up in our homes, about recent changes to the flame retardant law (now called “TB 117-2013”), and how to get rid of flame retardant chemicals in your furniture. New Flammability Regulation – TB […]
View PostWhat You Need to Know About the New Flame Retardant Law
This month, Governor Jerry Brown announced a change to California’s flame retardant laws. In short, the new laws are designed to reduce (and possibly eliminate) the amount of flame retardant chemicals added to upholstered furniture, including juvenile furniture. But before we get into what this change means for consumers, let’s talk about what flame retardant […]
View PostWas I Observing the Act of Greenwashing?
By, Irina Webb. The other day I was invited to a breakfast meeting that included a so-called “green products” sales representative – from a company that shall remain nameless – introducing cleaning products to a group of green-minded, intelligent, very well-intentioned women. The sales representative declared her company’s products to be non-toxic and the women […]
View PostTalking About Breasts …
By, Florence Williams. Have you ever wondered why estrogenic substances are common in household plastics and personal care products? And why government regulators aren’t doing a better job of protecting us from endocrine disruptors? They seem like simple questions but the answers are incredibly complicated. Last week I had the privilege of participating in a […]
View Post Breast Cancer, Chemicals, Environmental Health, Infertility, ToxinsHave a BPA-Free Thanksgiving: Kick the Can
In my house growing up, Thanksgiving centered on football and a huge family meal of turkey, mashed potatoes, green beans, pumpkin pie, and of course, the cranberry sauce that retained the shape of the can. It’s easy to forget that historically, Thanksgiving began as a tradition of celebrating the harvest of the year. It’s a […]
View Post BPA, Children's Health, Thanksgiving