Stacy Diève
Stacy is the steering committee co-chair for MOMS Advocating Sustainability. Stacy is an international law attorney with comprehensive experience on environmental matters and a certified herbalist. Stacy served on the Board of Directors of Sustainable Marin and is the past-President of the Board of Directors of Sustainable Fairfax in Fairfax, California. She taught workshops on how to make your own cleaning products for the Tamalpais Union High School District Adult and Community Education program. Stacy is an advocate for creating healthy communities through reducing the use of toxic chemicals and pesticides. Stacy received her BA from the University of Michigan and her JD from Brooklyn Law School.

Rika Canin Gopinath
Rika is the steering committee co-chair for MOMS Advocating Sustainability. Rika is an experienced business development executive and an advocate who built strategic partnerships for Kaplan’s Educational Divisions for many years spanning both consumer and professional education offerings. After the birth of her first child, Rika turned her passion, experience, and energy to educating moms and families about the awareness of chemicals we are exposed to on a day-day basis through the food we eat and the environment we live in. Rika has also helped lead the efforts to partner with the Community Media Center of Marin to broadcast Modern MOMS Health Forums on Marin’s Community TV station and to bring MOMAS’s content to the web. She received a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Florida and was a competitive debater.

Vanessa Handy Armstrong
Vanessa is a co-chair for MOMS Advocating Sustainability and her vision is to create social change towards a healthier future for our children and planet by creating awareness and legislative action. Vanessa is an Orange County, CA native and her primary job is a mom of three children. Since 2012, Vanessa has been advocating to eliminate toxic pesticides on school grounds and public spaces. Vanessa has worked with Newport-Mesa Unified School District, who eliminated the use of herbicides on all of their thirty-two campuses, and educates policymakers to transition from conventional landscape management to organic landscape management. Vanessa also worked with the City of Costa Mesa, who passed an Organics First IPM policy in January 2019, and her goal is to continue to change legislation to eradicate toxic pesticides around children in public schools and parks. Vanessa has a Bachelor of Science in Business from California State University, Long Beach, and a Permaculture Design Certificate from The Ecology Center in San Juan Capistrano and received organic landscape management training from Chip Osborne.

Irina Webb
Irina is a member of the steering committee of MOMS Advocating Sustainability. Prior to the birth of her son, Irina worked as a financial analyst in the treasury department of the Home Loan Bank of San Francisco. After her son was born, she founded a blog dedicated to educating people on ways and products they can use to reduce their exposure to toxic chemicals. For MOMAS, Irina focuses on managing the website and blog as well as on volunteer coordination. Irina received a BA degree in Education and an MA in Language Studies from the Khabarovsk Teacher’s Training University in Russia and an MBA from San Francisco State University.